Organic Green Leaf Tea
Green tea is a type of tea that undergoes minimal oxidation during processing. This helps in retaining the natural appearance,
colour, and healthy properties of the plant. The tea is roasted, which preserves its mellow flavours and subtle taste.
It has floral aromas and grassy taste notes. The quality of green teas is determined by the marine scent of the infused leaves.
The higher the marine scent, the better the quality of the tea. For the perfect cup of green tea, use approximately
two grams of tea per 8.5 fl. oz. of water at a temperature of 65 to 71° (150 to 160°).
It is recommended to use not quite boiling water or let the water cool down for about 1.5 to 2 minutes after boiling.
Steep for about 2 to 3 minutes to savour the subtle grassy flavour of the tea.
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